August 1-3, 2017, August 10
15 Hours: 12 contact, 3 independent
Course Fee: $25
Material Fee $20 PP: paid to Rockland Center for the Arts for hand-on art projects
Target Audience: middle through high school teachers, any discipline
Instructors: Angela Langston, Art/Media Chairperson, Sleepy Hollow HS
with Jennifer Patton of Edward Hopper House & Daly Flanagan of Rockland Center for the Arts
15 Hours: 12 contact, 3 independent
Course Fee: $25
Material Fee $20 PP: paid to Rockland Center for the Arts for hand-on art projects
Target Audience: middle through high school teachers, any discipline
Instructors: Angela Langston, Art/Media Chairperson, Sleepy Hollow HS
with Jennifer Patton of Edward Hopper House & Daly Flanagan of Rockland Center for the Arts
Motivate your students by introducing visual artworks into your curriculum. Through object-based, inquiry learning integrate content presented in diverse visual formats through close readings of artworks. This course will highlight those skills required to understand and work with the visual arts as alternative informational texts; and primary source objects. Learn to develop lessons with art pieces that support the ELA, Social Studies and Art standards and focus specifically on determining central ideas, supporting inferences and analyses with textual details.
Participants will meet at two Rockland county art institutions, Edward Hopper House and Rockland Center for the Arts, to observe and interact with both historical and contemporary art. Hands-on components will be integrated into the course for you to bring back to the classroom and integrate into your lessons. |
Program questions: Contact Angela Langston, [email protected]
Registration questions: Contact Deborah Studnitzer, Rockland Teachers’ Center, [email protected]
Hosted by Edward Hopper House and Rockland Center for the Arts
Registration questions: Contact Deborah Studnitzer, Rockland Teachers’ Center, [email protected]
Hosted by Edward Hopper House and Rockland Center for the Arts