The Sanborn Gallery Founders Fund Contribution Forms
The Sanborn Gallery Founders Fund has been established to maintain a gallery space in Edward Hopper House devoted to the display of original Edward Hopper works and memorabilia. The gallery was named in 2012 after Arthayer and Ruth Sanborn, whose foundation is the principal lender of work for the gallery.
The fund will be used for expenses including curator/consultant fees, maintenance, security, administrative expenses, framing and installation, education programs, and scholarly research to expand the understanding and appreciation of the work on view in the gallery and Edward Hopper’s early work in general. Contributors to the Founders Fund will be invited to exclusive events and their names will be engraved on a plaque to be displayed in the Hopper Gallery. To contribute online, please fill out the form below. Click here to pay by check and download the founder's form. |
Contribution Levels. Donations may be made in full or pledged over a period of four years or less.
Level Four year schedule Patron $1000 $250 per year President’s Circle $2000 $500 per year Founders’ Circle $5,000 $1250 per year |